E-Learning Software and Solutions
The Linkonlearning online learning platform includes all the tools schools need for E-Learning.
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Pre-K to Grade 8 — Site licensing
Schools and tutors rely on Linkonlearning to empower them to attract and retain students and to achieve successful learning outcomes. Linkonlearning delivers our learning management system with over 10,000 pre-kindergarten to grade 8 lessons to your institution, big or small.
Linkonlearning offers schools site licensing, allowing students access to online curriculum and diagnostics. Teachers can utilize real-time online reports that save grading time and allow additional time for a more individualized, student-centered approach to teaching.
As a pre-k to grade 8 to school you get your own Profile Page and receive the following:
• Your own URL (Linkonlearning web address).
• Login Access for Teacher(s).
• Student Management Area.
• Online Real-Time Student Diagnostics.
• Login Access to Online Classroom for Students.
• School Profile Page, Including 5-Page Website.

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How it works - Student View
Students login to the online classroom and access lessons in their grade and learning level. Teachers view real-time reports and create a customized learning plan for each child based on their scores. Teachers utilize the program to build on the student’s strengths, build confidence and self-esteem through repeatable success, and improve and develop weak areas.

Today, in an effort to enhance learning outcomes by harnessing students’ fascination with technology, many teachers incorporate e-learning material into regular lesson plans.
Students access the program on the school's computers located in the physical classroom, school library, and/ or computer lab. All that is needed really is a computer and the Internet.