Pre-K to Grade 8
Kids and parents love our online education, curriculum and home schooling tools.
Enjoy hundreds of interactive "learn to read" books by famous authors kids know and love! Over 10,000 interactive multi-media enhanced worksheets and educational games.
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Home Schooling
Linkonlearning will help your child learn online and at home with the same curriculum at their fingertips they would have in school. With our Internet-based education program, your children will become scholastically successful and have fun at the same time! Our revolutionary program offers courses that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout the world. This allows your child to learn anywhere, anytime.
Linkonlearning offers you the ultimate opportunity to evolve your child's skills. Our customized education program will help you teach your child the specific information they need to achieve success.
For more information on these topics, view related links:
Online Diagnostics
Lessons and Resources
Education on Your Terms
In today's demanding and complex world, there are many reasons to consider home schooling. Our revolutionary program has been developed by teachers across North America. It meets curriculum standards and is available via the Internet anytime, anywhere in the world, whenever your child is ready to learn.

And it's fun! Linkonlearning's course content is laid out with images for each question or idea. There are animated images and movies to better explain the content, and you can click on the majority of images on the site and hear their sounds.
Questions and instructions are accompanied by a play button that reads them out loud.
Children tutored using our program receive the best education possible. In addition, you will have an intimate understanding of their intellectual development. The success your child can experience will allow them to feel confident in themselves and prepare them for future challenges. You and your child can grow together in the learning voyage.
Linkonlearning's library area provides a vast database of facts and points of reference. This resource guides students to find the answers they seek. Linkonlearning has a recess area filled with educational games for all skill levels.
Linkonlearning also includes a private, monitored chat room. This allows your child to gain a sense of community in a safe and regulated online environment. We also have a chat room for technical support and to answer your questions.
For more information on these topics, view related links:
Customized Learning Plans
Special Needs Students
Advanced Learners