Pre-K to Grade 8
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Linkonlearning Preschool Math Lessons Online: Pg. 2
Practice adding and subtracting single digit numbers. Enter in the correct answer and get an auditory and visual response for right and wrong answers. Each drill keeps track of the total questions answered, the number of correct answers given, and the number wrong answers. Change the learning level to intermediate or advanced for more challenging equations including two and three digits. Adjust the program to including multiplication and division depending on student achievement.
Available in: Online Library
Recommended use: 20 minutes per day

12. Math Tutorials: Read and print numbers from 1 to 100
Students are introduced to numbers on a chart and click on each number to hear how each numbers sounds. Next, students learn that they can spell numbers with letters and click on numbers with the number words from one to twenty to hear how they sound. The student is given a series of numbers and is asked to click on the correct word for each number.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

13. Math Tutorials: One to one correspondence between numbers and objects
Students view objects and learn to count by clicking on the number of objects to hear the number sound. The student is then asked to view a number of objects and choose the number that tells how many objects there are.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

14. Math Tutorials: Count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100
Students are introduced to the concept of counting by ways other than one by one. Students are given visual s and participate in learning how to count using various items found on a farm. Students participate in various online activities to practice counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

15. Math Tutorials: Count backwards from 10
Students are introduced to the concept of counting backwards. Students learn how to count backwards by adding giving students the visual and auditory representation of frogs jumping into a pond.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

16. Math Tutorials: Locate whole number to 10 on a number line
Students learn about number patterns and are shown how to count and locate whole numbers on a number line. Students are shown that number lines have arrows on it to indicate that number lines never end.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

17. Math Tutorials: Ordering to 10th
Students are shown how children in a race are in a certain order. The concept ordering is discussed using the proper ordering terms such as 1st place, 2nd place, up to 10th place.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

Students are shown different objects and are asked to click on the objects that do not belong. Students examine objects that are similar and can be grouped together. Students group animals together by helping return baby animals to their mother.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

19. Math Tutorials: Concept of half
Students learn about the concept of half by examining how different foods can be cut in half by being split into two equal parts. The student is asked to click on different fruits in order to split each piece of fruit in half.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

Students learn about addition through interactive tutorials and are asked questions to support the learning process. Students interact with animated fish, bees, and ants to help understand the concept of addition.
Available in: Online Library
Learning Level: Beginner

The Linkonlearning team is always updating and adding more online lessons to the over 10,000 pre-k to 8th grade online lessons available. The Linkonlearning system is a result of collaboration between over 2,000 certified teachers, thousands of students and parents, and technology professionals. We're always adding more lessons and features to keep the learning process fresh, fun and interactive.