E-Learning Experts
Our expert service combined with our online learning platform will take your training program to the next level.
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Tracking by Human Resources and Department Management
The Linkonlearning system has full tracking and reporting capability. Throught it, training information, including an employee profile with all the required information, can be accessed through customized Login types. The systems empowers Human Resources and department managers to easily track information such as name, position, department, type and date a course was taken, as well as score results.
Login types can be customized so that each department or cost centre can only access appropriate information. Because a manager may be interested in accessing only information about the department’s employees, that is all the information that would be made available to that manager. Human Resources, however, would likely require training information from all departments. The Linkonlearning system easily facilitates this.
The Linkonlearning system tracks online attendance.
Employees with outstanding training can be notified via automatic e-mail and messaging. A manager or instructor can login and evaluate the learning that has occurred by viewing real-time reports and final scores and training time, as well as through final exams that can be proctored if desired.
Data can be easily transferred into other internal Human Resource systems (HRIS) as desired.
The Linkonlearning system is more than just an e-learning system. It is content management, online reporting and diagnostics, workflow optimization, authoring tools, data warehousing and so much more! The system stores all of the pertinent information for each employee. That data is stored on SQL Server and is accessible by logging in to the system. Each user type is given access based on their role and is provided with reports specific to their requirements.
Score results are recorded and reported through an online report card transcript process that is available to all appropriate users. Department Managers, Human Resources, and Administration can access these reports and drill right down to the lesson level to determine what learning has occurred. Drilling down to the lesson level enables reporting on questions that were answered correctly and incorrectly.