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Established over a decade ago, Linkonlearning provides online education and training using Internet-based software and curriculum.

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Taiwan National Anthem

Taiwan Flag

Click on the button to play the anthem.

Anthem Lyrics - English Translation

Our aim shall be to found a free land.
World peace be our stand.
Lead on, comrades, vanguards ye are.
Hold fast your aim, by sun and star.
Be earnest and brave, your country to save.
One heart, one soul, one mind, one goal!

Anthem Lyrics in Official Language

San-min-chu-i, Wu-tang so tsung;
i-chien min-kuo, i-chin ta-t'ung.
Tzu erh to-shih, wei min ch'ien-feng;
su-yeh fei-hsieh, chu-i shih ts'ung.
Shih ch'in shih yung, pi hsin pi chung;
i-hsin i-te, kuan-ch'e shih-chung.

The World National Anthems, United States and Canadian Provincial Symbols pages are provided courtesy of Linkonlearning.


Established over a decade ago, Linkonlearning provides online education and training using Internet-based software and curriculum.

Founded as one of North America's first virtual schools, Linkonlearning provides education and training to students around the world.  Linkonlearning offers over 10,000 Internet-based lessons for pre-kindergarten to 8th grade students, accredited online high school courses, site licences and customized curriculum to schools and institutions. Linkonlearning also offers companies and government customized online training and testing.

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