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Grade 5 Social Studies Lessons Online

1. Social Studies: Grade 5: Impact on Culture and Society

Sociologists, scientists, who study groups of people, define the word culture as the shared products of humans. These products can include artefacts such as music, art, and technology as well as nonmaterial examples like beliefs, language, and customs. In this unit, students study the impact of culture on society.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
20 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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2. Social Studies: Grade 5: Physical and Social Needs of People

Abraham Harold Maslow saw human needs arranged like a ladder with the most basic needs at the bottom and the highest needs at the top. This theory is called Maslow's hierarchy of needs and is often depicted as a pyramid consisting of five levels. This unit discusses human need, how civilized societies provide services to help safeguard its citizens, belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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3. Social Studies: Grade 5: Functions of Governments in Canada

A government is a group of people who rule or control a country to look after its needs. This unit discusses different systems of government, including the following: democracy, dictatorship, and monarchy. It also introduces students to the essential structure of the Canadian Government.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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4. Social Studies: Grade 5: Electoral Process

This unit further studies various levels of government in Canada. Parliament, House of Commons, the Upper House of Parliament and the Governor General are considered.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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5. Social Studies: Grade 5: Immigrants and Canadian Citizenship

Canada is home to many immigrants. This country is a destination of choice because of its multiculturalism, quality of life, heath care, reputation for peace, safe and clean environment and human rights. This unit examines the immigration process in Canada.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
21 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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