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Grade 5 Science Lessons Online
1. Science: Grade 5: Seeds, Bulbs, Plants
Although plants are a food source for most living things, they have the ability to make their own food. This science unit discusses chlorophyll, roots, bulbs, stems, leaves, flowers, pollination, seeds, reproduction and plant survival.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
19 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
2. Science: Grade 5: Landforms
This science unit introduces landforms such as the archipelago, volcanic island, island, cape, cove, gulf, estuary, peninsula, canyon, plains, mountain, and valley. Bodies of water, moraines, weathering, pangea, plate tectonics and eras are also discussed.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
3. Science: Grade 5: Sun and Solar System
The sun is not only the closest star to Earth, it makes life possible. This giant, spinning ball of very hot gas is the center of our solar system. This science unit discusses the sun and its solar system.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
19 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes