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Grade 4 Science Lessons Online
1. Science: Grade 4: The Insect World
There are millions of different types of insects. Over 350,000 kinds of beetles alone! This unit introduces students to the world of insects, including anatomy, behaviour, appearance and life cycle.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
2. Science: Grade 4: The Reptilian World
More than 6,800 reptile species can be found around the world. Reptile characteristics such as appearance, skeletal structure, diet and behaviour are discussed.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
20 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
3. Science: Grade 4: Structure of Plants
Plants can be divided into two main groups: bryophytes and vascular plant species. This unit discusses plant species, photosynthesis, chlorophyll, and sexual and asexual reproduction.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
4. Science: Grade 4: Human Body
The human body is made up of billions of tiny cells. This unit introduces students to the human body and discusses ideas such as cells, joints, muscles, breathing, blood, digestion, the brain and infection.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
5. Science: Grade 4: Causes of Seasons
North America experiences a full range of seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Other parts of the world do not experience such a range of season. This unit discusses the earth's rotation and axis, dry and wet seasons. Southern and Northern Hemispheres, and North and South Poles.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
9 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes
6. Science: Grade 4: Air and Water Pollution
Every living thing depends upon air. This unit discusses air pollution, clean energy, water pollution, acid rain, waste disposal and the filtering abilities of forests and wetlands.
Available in: Online classroom
Auditory Instruction Page(s):
21 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes