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Grade 3 Social Studies Lessons Online

1. Social Studies: Grade 3: Features of Urban Communities

In this unit, students are introduced to the following aspects of urban geography: living quarters, transit, attractions, subculture and climate.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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2. Social Studies: Grade 3: Settlers and their History

In this unit, students learn about settlers and how they built communities in the New World.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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3. Social Studies: Grade 3: Settlers Lives and Contributions

In this unit, students build their knowledge about the obstacles that early settlers overcame in the New World.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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