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Grade 2 Social Studies Lessons Online

1. Social Studies: Grade 2: Canada and Multiculturalism

Canada provides a good example of multiculturalism. In this unit, students learn the concepts of culture and multiculturalism while considering country of origin and motivations for emigrating.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
15 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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2. Social Studies: Grade 2: Family History and Traditions

In this unit, students consider who they are as individuals and are encouraged to think about family origins and make up. They learn the vocabulary of family history: generations, history, culture, tradition, heritage. The stories of four different families are considered.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
15 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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3. Social Studies: Grade 2: Countries of the World

Did you know that Canada is the second largest country in the world? That Australia is part of the continent of Oceania? In this unit, students learn that continents have many countries, and that those countries can be located in an atlas with the help of lines of latitude and longitude.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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4. Social Studies: Grade 2: Locate Countries through Maps and Globes

Why are maps flat and globes round? In this unit, students expand their knowledge of continents, and maps with the introduction of the concepts of the compass, hemispheres and seasons.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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5. Social Studies: Grade 2: Compare Families from Different Countries

While everyone belongs to a family, no two families are the same. This unit introduces students to the ideas of roles within families, the purpose of family, the make up of families, kinship webs, power structures within families and patriarchal societies.

Available in: Online classroom

Auditory Instruction Page(s): Yes
18 Online Lesson Worksheets
Diagnostics: Yes

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